There are many useful widgets and
which you could use to add interactivity to your Blogger powered blog.
Ranging from lists of your most popular posts to a table of contents
which loads above your posts, this article contains 20 of the most
useful widgets and scripts you could install own blogs.
Easy Install Widgets
All of the widgets int his section can be added easily to your blog using widget installers.
Recent Posts
This widget will display a list of your most recent posts, with links
to their relevant pages. This widget is easy to add using the widget
installer, where you simply input your blog’s URL and change the
settings to suit your preferences.
Add a recent posts widget to your blog (Script by Hans of Beautiful Beta)
Recent Comments
Show recent discussions to your articles by displaying a list of
recent comments in your sidebar. You can choose how many comments to
display, and add an optional excerpt of each comment too.
Add a recent comments widget to your blog
Top Commentators
Reward your regular contributors by adding this widget which displays
a list of the ten most active commentators. You can filter your own
name from the list and add this easily using the widget installer.
Add Top Commentators widget to your blog (Originally constructed by
GoogleSystem and widgetized by Blogger Buster)
Popular Posts/Most Commented
This widget uses your blog’s comment feed to determine the most
popular posts based on the number of comments each post has received. It
will then display a list of the ten most popular (or most commented)
posts in order of authority.
Add Popular Posts/Most Commented widget to your blog
Random Posts
Phydeaux3′s widget allows to to create a link to a random post from
your sidebar (or wherever you decide to add this widget in your blog).
This is another easy widget to install using the one-click installer on
Phydeaux’s site.
Add a random post link to your blog (by Phydeaux3)
Picasa Web Albums
This widget allows you to display recent images from your Picasa web
albums account in your sidebar. All you need to do is insert your Picasa
username into the input box and click submit to add this to your blog.
Install Picasa web albums widget in your blog
Simple Search Widget
This is a simple search widget which uses the same functions as the
search box in the Blogger nav-bar. Unlike Google searches, this is a
simple widget which will display all posts matching the queried term in
the main posts section of your blog, and can be installed using the
one-click widget installer.
Install a simple search form in your blog
Random Messages
Ramani of Hackosphere created this widget which can be used to
display one of ten random messages in your Blogger blog. One possible
use for this would be to display random testimonials in a business blog,
while another would be as a display of random quotes.
There is no need to edit your blog’s template when adding this
widget: you can add your own quotes and install this easily in your
sidebar using Ramani’s widget installer.
Install a random message widget in your Blogger blog